Hardworking Farmer

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Hardworking Farmer Icon.png
Hardworking Farmer
Hardworking Farmer Icon.png
Hardworking Farmer
Hardworking Farmer
Cost to train Free
Skills Digging
Uncovering Hot Springs

Hardworking Farmers are a class of Jobs in Little King's Story. Hardworking Farmers can be trained in Castle Town and Farmland.

Behaviour in Alpoko


Hardworking Farmers often walk to growing crops to harvest them. The crops will change. They can also give these crops to other citizens in passing.

Daily Routine

Time Behaviour



Hardworking Farmers have the joint fastest dig speed among all jobs, along with the Craftian. They are one of only two jobs able to open cracks in the ground, the other being the Craftian. If a crack is steaming, then it will either be a Hot Spring or a Geyser; if not, then it will be a normal hole, although it will likely contain more valuable spoils. This makes the Farmer an essential job class for the Royal Guard, as they provide the only way to heal Corobo and other troops while on the battlefield for the majority of the game, and the abundance of holes across the World makes their advanced digging a huge convenience. Unlike the Craftian, who shares the same abilities, Farmers are multipliable and available almost immediately. Additionally, Farmers are one of few jobs to be completely free of cost to train. Farmers also have above average speeds of destroying obstacles, including rock and wooden materials.

In-game Overviews

Source Overview
Liam Definitely one of the hardest working job classes. When it comes to digging, these guys have no peers. When you find small "cracks" it's time to use them. They find better than average treasures as well as uncover health-restoring hot springs to heal injured citizens. Can you dig it?
Skilled at Digging: Triple digging speed! What a pro!
Special Open Crack: I can destroy tiny chasms with the power of the earth.


Skill Tier Details
Fighting B
Digging S Pummel.
Building C Helps ongoing construction.
Breaking [Unknown]
Logging A
Mining A
Special Abilities Details
Attacks None
Obstacles Cracks Can open cracks in the ground, which will become holes.
Steaming cracks Can open cracks emitting steam, which will become Geysers and Hot Springs.
Other None
