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Quests are tasks that must be completed either to progress the story, receive rewards, or expand the kingdom. They fall into multiple categories.

Story Quests

Conquering the world & building the Flying Machine.

Guardian Quests

Cow Bones, the first Guardian encountered by Corobo

A Guardian is a strong UMA that guards a Forest, which will only appear when King Corobo accepts a corresponding quest from his Suggestion Box. When defeated by Corobo, the Guardian's Forest becomes a new town or city in the Kingdom of Alpoko. Most Guardians are larger, more powerful versions of regular UMA; however, the Owl Hag, Ogre Ergo and Blue Dragon only appear as Guardians.

If Corobo leaves the arena when fighting a Guardian, then the fight will end, displaying the message "Run Away!" and upon returning to the fight, the Guardian will have its health restored.

The Guardian Battle theme is a percussion-heavy rendition of Rossini's "William Tell - Overture", with a slightly reduced tempo.


Princess Quests

After rescuing a princess, they will send a letter in the mail asking to meet. Afterwards, the respective princess quest is received, and can be tracked with a book in Key Items. After all but one entry is completed in a book, another letter will be sent the next day with a quest detailing the final step to complete the book.

Wonder Spot Book

From Princess Apricot. Involves discovering 20 Wonder Spots across the world.

UMA Book

From Princess Bouqet. Involves discovering 53 different UMA.

Gourmet Book

From Princess Spumoni. Involves collecting 40 different Foods.

Animal Book

From Princess Shizuka. Only becomes available after completing the God UFO quest. Involves rescuing 14 different Animals across the world from crashed UFOs.

Tunesmith Book

From Princess Kokomo. Involves listening to citizens hum 30 different songs across the kingdom from 10pm-12am.

Jewel Book

From Princess Ferne. Involves collecting the seven Kingstone Jewels across the kingdom.

Records Book

From Princess Martel. Involves completing 9 Records.

King's Art Exhibit

The most complex quest in the game, which involves collecting 100 Art Pieces across the world. See King's Art Exhibit for more information.

Generated Quests

Generated Quests can sometimes be sent to King Corobo via the Suggestion Box. These quests are randomly assigned with one of several pre-set sender names, bodies of text, UMA teams to fight (sometimes with unique modifiers), and locations in which the quest takes place. After accepting them, Corobo has 3 days to fight the team before they disappear, resulting in automatic failure. The suggestion box will automatically delete the oldest completed quest if more than 5 are completed.

See Generated Quests for more information.

Forest Track Quests

Only available after obtaining Princess Shizuka's book, and receiving the letters from the rescued animals. Afterwards they can be challenged to a race at the Mysterious Shortcut.

Misc. Quests

Includes Salary Statements and N1c3 K1ngd0m.


  • Every Guardian has a hint towards their presence in their respective forest before their "Rumor" quest is accepted, with the exception of the Onii Man who lacks such a quest. Cow Bones has his skull lying on the ground. Yvonne can be seen swimming in the river. The Clockwork Knight has a statue of itself (which turns into the Knight). The Owl Hag's red eyes can be seen peering out of her house. Ogre Ergo has his mask and cleaver lying on a stump. The top of the Mush Bro, Mush Geezer and Radeeze are all sticking out of the ground, and the Blue Dragon has an Ice Crystal covering its lair.