Wonder Spot

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Wonder Spots are locations spread out all over The World. These locations are part of Princess Apricot's special quest. There are a total of 20 Wonder Spots.

A map displaying the locations of every Wonder Spot can be found here.


# 1 Former Onii Grounds

Onii Man! With him gone, the flowers can bloom!

# 2 Sunflower Plains

I see the sunflowers and think of you!

# 3 Firefly Lake

In the middle of the night stars fall towards the quiet lakeside.

# 4 Melon Patch

A patch famous for producing monster watermelons!

# 5 Forest Cafeteria

Teatime! Now treat me to a cup of tea!

# 6 Nature Maze

Wandering around and getting lost!

# 7 Screw-Loose Isles

Glittery network TV is like the stars!

# 8 Matryoshka Rock

Inside the rock, is another rock!

# 9 Bird's Nests!

Outstretched! It hurts to live!

# 10 Haunted Zone 1

Ghosts always show up in photos!

# 11 Haunted Zone 2

Even the dead grumble when they get hungry!

# 12 King's Natural Reserve

Party hardy! But it's sad when it ends...

# 13 Wide Pin Pinball

You're really cute when you have whipped cream on your cheek.

# 14 Eggan Ruins

Worrywart! The raw egg that just can't stop!

# 15 Broadcast Tower

I'll pierce your heart... with an antenna!

# 16 Hidden Hot Spring

This outdoor spring is a mixed bath! Perverts galore!

# 17 Sobamanjaro

From the top of the mountain I want to shout out "I love you!"

# 18 New Island Park

At the end of the world Still being built! Still buried in trash!

# 19 Over-there-Beach

It's so bright. The sun is smiling on you!

# 20 Valley of Memories!

Lick that candy! Together at last!