Over-there Beach

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Over-There Beach SS1.png
The southern shores of the Beach
Part of Kingdom of Alpoko
Characteristics Sandy


Over-there Beach (あちらのビーチ, Achira no bīchi), or simply Corobo's Beach, is an area of the Kingdom of Alpoko that was once guarded by the Cow Bones, before the Guardian was defeated by Corobo. It is the nineteenth Wonder Spot.


The Over-there Beach is connected to Castle Town for most of the adventure, save for the start where it is instead accessed via the Ruined Turnip Field.

The Beach is split into two halves by trash washed ashore from New Island. After Corobo gains a Craftian, he can create a walkway through the building blocks in this trash and access a Wonder Spot, an Art piece and Crab Onii on the other side, as well as a Steel Bridge connecting to New Island. The penguin splashes in the tides during both night and day.

Sometimes if a citizen dies they will wash up on the Beach encased in a pot. According to a legend, a Kingdom of the Dead lies beyond the sea, hence why citizens return here upon death. Some of these pots can be broken to receive spoils, along with a few logs.

During the evening, citizens will go on dates at this beach, and Mr. M will play Debussey's "Clair de Lune" before he falls asleep here, under an umbrella. Following the Beach's theme of love, under his rug is a heart shape drawn in the sand with a kissing face made out of starfish.




Names in other Languages

Name Meaning
Japanese あちらのビーチ

Achira no bīchi

Over-there Beach
French La Plage The Beach
Italian Quella spiaggia

Oltre quella spiaggia

That Beach

Beyond That Beach

German Abgelegener Strand Faraway Beach
Spanish Playa de Barbate Barbate Beach

The Spanish name appears to be a reference to the real beach town of Barbate in Cádiz, Spain.


  • If Cow Bones has not been defeated yet, meaning that the Beach is not under Corobo's rule, then citizens that fall in battle instead simply appear in Castle Town, with the message "X people have come to the town square!"
  • The Over-there Beach is the only Wonder Spot within the Kingdom of Alpoko.
  • Even after being conquered by Corobo, the Beach still has a yellow pin on the map, like a UMA-occupied forest. While this could be due to UMA still appearing in this area after it has been conquered, the Former Onii Grounds attains a blue pin after being conquered, like a town within Alpoko would, even though many UMA still inhabit it. This could be because the Beach is the only UMA forest-type area to not change its name after being conquered.
