Fierce Owl

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Fierce Owl
Fierce Owl
Fierce Owl
Life 5
Location Owl Forest
UMA Book Description Went berserk after eating tainted seeds.

The Fierce Owl (凶暴なふくろう, Kyōbōna fukurō) is an UMA that mainly appears in the Owl Forest to assist the Owl Hag during her Guardian fight, as well as around parts of the western Kingdom of Alpoko at night.


Attack Effect Description
Quick dive Melee Dives down quickly and back up again
Swoop Melee Only used during Owl Hag fight, used when the owls are initially summoned



Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese 凶暴なふくろう

Kyōbōna fukurō

Fierce Owl
French Vieille chouette Old Owl (feminine)
Italian Civetta feroce Fierce Owl (feminine)
German Eulenbestie Owl-Beast
Spanish Lechuza Brutal Brutal Barn Owl

The French and Italian versions suggest that all the Owls are female.


  • Oddly, Fierce Owls are referred to simply as Owls on the HUD when they are first encountered.
  • The UMA Book description suggests that the Fierce Owls have been affected by Janga Pickles.
