Black Sheep

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Black Sheep
Black Sheep
Black Sheep
Life 60
Location Skull Plains
UMA Book Description Super fluffy, but incredibly evil.

The Black Sheep (黒ひつじ, Kuro hitsuji) is an animal UMA. Like many animal UMA, it was once a normal sheep, until it ate Janga Pickles. The Black Sheep most commonly appears as wildlife that takes over Dark Valley after the Onii are driven out. They are sometimes found asleep, before being awoken when approached.


Attacks Effect Description
Runs forward Charge Takes less charge time than a Rodeo Cow
Front leg stomp Melee Hits in front
Four horse kicks Melee Horse kicks in all four cardinal directions



The name of the Black Sheep is a a reference to the phrase "the black sheep of the family." This is appropriate, given how Pancho describes animal UMA as "rebellious" in Tyrant Mode.

Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese 黒ひつじ

Kuro hitsuji

Black Sheep
French Mouton noir Black Sheep
Italian Pecora nera Black Sheep
German Schwarzes Schaf Black Sheep
Spanish Oveja Negra Black Sheep


  • The UMA Book lists their location as Skull Plains despite this UMA never appearing in that area, likely mistakenly listed there due to its undead look, or even due to it appearing in the area at one point during development.
  • In Tyrant Mode, Pancho explains how his relatives were once normal animals, until the more rebellious teenagers of them ate Janga Pickles, turning them evil. The Black Sheep could therefore be one of those UMA.