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Life 120
Location Sunflower Plains
UMA Book Description It pretends to be a rock and jumps at people.

The Rocky (イワオ, Iwao) is an UMA that disguises itself as a rock obstacle before rising from the ground once Corobo or a member of the Royal Guard approaches. It has a rock-like head and a slender, somewhat humanoid body. Rockies can also jump out of large rocks while they are being destroyed.

A Rocky can be instantly defeated in one hit by a Ripped Miner.


Attack Name Description
Rockwave Melee, Projectile Fires rocks in the 8 cardinal directions, has a hitbox on its head


Rocky may be named after the 1976 sports drama film of the same name, although the connection seems tenuous.

Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese イワオ


French Rocky Rocky
Italian Roccia Rock
German Fels Rock
Spanish Sardineta Buttslap

The Japanese name is based on the kanji 巌 iwao.

The Spanish name refers to a common schoolyard prank in Spain where one smacks another on the buttocks with two of their fingers.
