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Life 200
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UMA Book Description Take it out with arrows. Cattle, beware!

The UFO (UFO, yūfō) is an UMA and optional boss in Little King's Story. It appears after Corobo accepts a letter in the suggestion box written in l33t, titled "N1c3 K1ngd0m!" along with many cameos in cutscenes and other quests.


The UFO is disc-like with lights on the middle segment, and green bulbs on the bottom. In the English release, UFOs consistently communicate in l33t.

The earliest appearance of the UFO is after rescuing Shizuka, where it flies by in the distance during the cutscene where she is saved. Shizuka also communicates with a UFO repeatedly during the God UFO quest, before being abducted by one on the third night. Afterwards, Crashed UFOs appear scattered throughout the kingdom with abducted animals, once Shizuka's Animal Book quest is accepted. 

The UFO also appears during the battle with TV Dinnah, on the Discovery Channel, where it attempts to abduct citizens to reduce them to 1 health.

A UFO also flies past Sobamanjaro in the Sauvage Appears cutscene.

UFOs can only be encountered as a regular UMA as part of the Team 22nd Century Generated Quest, where it is accompanied by an Onii Metal.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

During Space Travel, a large UFO hovers at the top of the screen, in a sequence that references several classic arcade games such as Space Invaders and Gradius.

A UFO is reported to crash into the Public Broadcast Tower if the End of the World reaches 30% during the Final Boss fight.

Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.



Main Article: N1c3 K1ngd0m

The UFO is almost impossible to kill without Animal Hunters, because while it lands sometimes, it is incredibly rare and for only a brief moment. There is also a timer, resulting in an instant "Run Away" if the fight continues after 4am. During battle, the UFO flies overhead, makes headless cows appear, and abducts citizens. The cows act identically to a Cow Bones UMA, without the head and only possessing 1 health. If the UFO abducts a citizen, it decreases their health to 1, which makes them a weak elder and allowing a single charge from a cow to kill several citizens at once. Once the UFO is brought to the ground, an opportunity arises to swarm it with citizens. When defeated, it will catch fire and fly away, leaving the kingdom. The reward is a Pillow, a weapon with stun capabilities.

Animal Book

After Corobo gets the Diamond Egg from Shizuka, she gets abducted by a UFO. The next day, Shizuka has a quest for Corobo to find the missing animals. She says the UFOs took them, but crashed due to the earthquakes. Corobo has to look around for the crashed UFOs and attack them. The UFOs will not attack back, and will give up the animals they stole afterwards. The Book details the animal's actions while aboard the UFO.


The term "Unidentified Flying Object" (or "UFO" for short) was first used to refer to an unrecognisable object in the sky in 1953 by the United States Air Force (USAF), although the term was used before this to refer to unknown aircraft. Previously such phenomena were referred to as "flying saucers", popularised after pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted several saucer-like objects in the sky on June 24th 1947, an event that is referenced in TV Dinnah's battle. However, ultimately the term UFO became more widely used, in order to refer to mysterious flying objects of all shapes and sizes. The term later gained popularity in pop-culture to refer to typically saucer-shaped alien spacecraft, as is the case in Little King's Story, prompting ufologists to replace the official term with alternatives to avoid ridicule.

Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese UFO


Italian UFO UFO
German UFO UFO
Spanish OVNI UFO

The Japanese name uses Roman characters to refer to the UFO by its English name.

In French and Spanish speaking cultures, the term Unidentified Flying Object is literally translated: Objet Volant Non Identifié in French and Objeto Volador No Identificado in Spanish, both of which are shortened to "OVNI". Their Little King's Story translations use this acronym. The general Italian name for UFOs, however, remains as UFO in the language without any attempt to translate the acronym, and therefore the name in Little King's Story is also UFO.

In German, the term is translated literally as Unbekanntes Flugobjekt, which is shortened as UFO as it is in English.


  • The UFO design heavily resembles the design of the Mothership from Chulip, another of Yoshiro Kimura games.
  • The strange, alien music that plays whenever a crashed UFO is recovered and returns an animal is a remix of a section from Rhapsody in Blue. Incidentally, this excerpt is a brief part that plays after the section used for the Alien Channel theme during TV Dinnah's boss fight.
