N1c3 K1ngd0m

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Nic3 K1ngd0m
UFO 2.png
The UFO appears
Quest for V1s1t0r D3sl0ck
Unlocked After reaching a population of 70 citizens
Difficulty Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngNoStar.png
Items Pillow

"N1c3 to m33t y0u. I am always l00king d0wn at y0u from ab0v3. Y0ur k1ngd0m 1s v3ry n1c3! If y0u'd l1k3, I can 1vad3 y0u. I w1ll c0m3 'tw33n 10pm-4am!"

- V1s1t0r D3sl0ck

N1c3 K1ngd0m is a quest that can be accepted, which involves Corobo fighting a UFO at night.

Completing the quest awards Corobo with a Pillow, a weapon with a chance of stunning. The fight's difficulties arise from taking place in the Town Square, meaning citizens can easily get stuck or run into a building and become converted into a new Job Class. Furthermore, the fight will end after a certain amount of time has passed.

The quest is written in l33t, as with most messages from alien entities in Little King's Story.