??? Pot Onii

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??? Pot Onii
??? Pot Onii
??? Pot Onii
Life 10
Location By Boney Tunnel
UMA Book Description It summons UMA from its pot.

The ??? Pot Onii (? ? ? つぼオニー, ??? Tsu bo onī) is an Onii that summons other UMA. Its only appearance outside of Generated Quests is a single ??? Pot Onii at the Boney Tunnel Entrance, preventing the nearby Jump Cannon from being completed. It will respawn unless both it and its summoned UMA are killed.


The ??? Pot Onii has two variations.

In the wild

Attack Effect Description
Summon UMA Summon Chants an incantation and releases one of three UMA with a cloud of smoke: Moonflower, Rodeo Cow, or Fierce Owl - only four UMA can be summoned at a time or the spell will fail

Generated Quests

Attack Effect Description
Summon UMA Summon Chants an incantation and releases an Escargoo UMA with a cloud of smoke - only four UMA can be summoned at a time or the spell will fail



Names in other languages

Names Meaning
Japanese ? ? ? つぼオニー

??? Tsu bo onī

??? Pot Onii
French Démon ??? ??? Démon (Onii)
Italian ??? Vaso Onii ??? Vase Onii
German Fassteufel Barrel Devil (Onii)
Spanish Demotarro Jar-Demon (Onii)


  • The ??? Pot Onii is one of only two UMA that does not have any directly damaging attacks, instead only possessing the ability to summon other UMA. The other is the Owl Hag.
  • It is possible to attack the summoned UMA in such a way that the ??? Pot Onii is unable to spawn any more UMA, even if all its previously summoned UMA are dead.