Little King's Story: The Official Strategy Guide

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For the Japanese guidebook, see King Story Official Guidebook

Little King's Story: The Official Strategy Guide is a strategy guide published by DoubleJump Books on behalf of Xseed Games for Little King's Story. DoubleJump Books is connected to the StrategyWiki brand, whose website also has an entry for Little King's Story. The strategy guide was published and edited by Tim Lindquist and written by Thomas Wilde. The layout was designed by Lindquist and John McKechnie.

Since the guide was commissioned for Little King's Story by a second party, some information within it is incorrect, such as misnaming some areas. However, the book also contains several pieces of official artwork that have never been released elsewhere, suggesting the authors had access to a lot of official materials and resources in order to create it.

Despite being available in Europe, the information refers exclusively to the North American release. The most evident example of this is the section dedicated to the Art piece sidequest, which uses the North American art submissions instead of the Japanese ones featured in the Japanese and European releases.