Mega Carpenter

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Mega Carpenter Icon.png
Mega Carpenter
Mega Carpenter Icon.png
Mega Carpenter
Mega Carpenter
Cost to train 1000,000 Bol
Skills Building Stone Structures
"These guys are really skilled. They can build really big bridges and even work with stone, and quick-like, too! If you have the cash, be sure train a few of these guys. That's all I have to say."
— Liam

Mega Carpenters are a class of Jobs in Little King's Story. Mega Carpenters are bought in Stone City, and are essentially an upgrade to the Regular Carpenter.


Mega Carpenters wear the same, cone-shaped hat that the Regular Carpenter's wear, but it is instead colored a yellowy-bronze. They wear a welder's mask, and blue work overalls, with a red shirt underneath. They strangely do not wear any gloves, despite wearing a welder's mask.

They wield a large, metal hammer, and can be seen hammering the roof's of houses


Mega Carpenters can initiate any construction to reach new areas or place Jump Cannons. They are faster builders than their Regular Carpenter counterparts, but slower than Giga Carpenters or the Craftian. Once the main scaffolding is ready, any jobs that can dig are able to aid construction, but Soldiers will damage the project. They are average at breaking obstacles and combat.
