Near New Island

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Near New Island
Near New Island Past Entrance.png
Entrance to the area
Part of Unclear
Characteristics Windmills

Teleporting TVs

Near New Island (できかけ島付近, Dekikake Jima Fukin) is a minor location in Little King's Story, which spans the coastline north of Alpoko Castle.

This area is peculiar, as it is not clear which Kingdom it belongs to. It sits comfortably on the border between the Tiptoe and Alpoko Kingdoms, with its entrance lying near Magical Land, but its name refers to the somewhat neighboring New Island, and its music bleeds over from Skull Plains. Furthermore, it is not properly drawn on the map. Its name is only found in the UMA Book entries for Typhoon Gene, Jane and Mary, and goes unnamed in some translations.


The area may only be accessed after both the Tiptoe Kingdom and New Island are under Corobo's rule, since a gate to the area's entrance only opens after the former has been conquered, and the building blocks behind that gate can only be passed through using a Craftian, a class obtained after conquering the latter. Therefore, by the time it is explored by Corobo, it is likely to already be under his rule, making it harder to identify which kingdom it truly belongs to.

Islet at the end of the area

The area is a long stretch of land that follows the coast. Its cliffs contain a number of decorative windmills, like the Melon Patch. The path is guarded by UMA such as the Yvonne, Crab Onii and Worker Onii (Tail), as well as rocks that must be destroyed. A pair of teleporting TVs sit either side of a small bay, although these appear to be unnecessary, since the body of water may be walked around anyway. The Typhoony Bunch make their solidary appearance in UMA form on the other side of this bay, disregarding Generated Quests.

At the end of this area lies a small islet, located incredibly close to New Island, allowing both locations to be seen from the other. On this small island lie two Art pieces, as well as a hole containing the Legendary Ring armor, guarded by several UMA. The last of these UMA is a giant, higher-health Escargoo, although this is not counted as its own UMA class, similar to the "Super Escargoo" Generated Quest.


The music that plays in this area is shared with Dark Valley and Skull Plains, a mysterious piece whose classical origin remains a mystery.




Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese できかけ島付近

Dekikake Jima Fukin

Near To-be-complete Island (New Island)
French N/A Referred to as "New Island" in the UMA Book
Italian N/A Referred to as "New Island" in the UMA Book
German N/A Referred to as "New Island" in the UMA Book
Spanish Península Isla Inconclusa Unfinished Island Peninsula (New Island)


  • Near New Island is the only area that is a part of the central island that is not drawn on the first three maps. It is added to the top of this island only once the full World map is revealed after the Onii King.
  • Due to its odd nature, it is possible that this area's purpose was changed late into development. Since it is within close proximity to New Island, and since New Island's Flying Machine part is one of the few that is not located in an entirely new area, it is possible that at least part of this area was originally intended to be the resting place of the seventh Flying Machine part. This would also explain why the seventh Flying Machine part is so easy to obtain and requires no obstacle to overcome. This was likely changed due to this part being the Propeller, a part of Jumbo Champloon's body, rendering it illogical for it to require its own area. This could also explain why the small island at the end of this area is so close to New Island, and why the rest of the area is not present on the map.
