Alarm Clock

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The Alarm Clock is an invention sold to King Corobo by a Merchant which allows him to wake up at any chosen time. The Merchant will add it to the Kingdom Plan for 270,000 Bol after the defeat of the Onii King. It rests next to his bed on either a cardboard box or a chair depending on the iteration of the Castle.

Before purchasing the Alarm Clock, Corobo will wake up at 8AM no matter the time of day. After purchasing it, Corobo will wake up at the next AM or PM of the time set. This means that with the Clock Corobo has to sleep in the bed twice to progress a day forward.

The Alarm Clock also appears as the correct answer to a riddle during the battle with King Omelet.


  • The first Castle has space for the Alarm Clock, even though it is impossible to be purchased at this stage of the game.