Corobo (New Little King's Story)

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King Corobo
Cha koro.png
Corobo as he appears in the reimagining
Sex Male
Home Kingdom of Alpoko
Job King

Corobo is recharacterised for New Little King's Story's separate continuity, and is an interpretation of Corobo from Little King's Story.


Corobo receives a new look to fit the new anime-inspired aesthetic in New Little King's Story. He now has green-eyes and tidier ginger hair. His robe is now a coat with gold accents and shoulder armour, over a white undershirt. Golden suspenders hold up his buckled green trousers, tucked into brown knee-high boots. His Crown is much smaller, and the pendent around his neck is replaced with a flowing blue scarf. When Corobo takes damage, he now loses clothing, as with every other citizen and Princess. He wears black underwear.

This alternate version of Corobo is now 14 years old, and has been a successful King for some time. While enjoying a party with a lot of guests, the Castle is struck by an attack from a mysterious force, which steals all of the Princesses attending. Corobo flees the Castle with Howser's nephew Azul. The Castle is destroyed, and Corobo is forced to start his province anew, with the rest of the Kingdom falling into chaos. Corobo is already well acquainted with Howser, Liam and Verde, but meets many other characters from the first game for the first time, suggesting this is an alternate continuity to Little King's Story, hence the 'New'. Corobo's ultimate goal is to overcome the forces of darkness run by the evil Nightmare using the power of friendship and the Crystals of Light found by the seven magical princesses encased in the Pillars of Light.


Corobo's abilities go mostly unchanged in the reimagining, with some differences. He now has a sword, which he can swing for a three hit combo, and can hire more types of people, such as Princesses and, with the help of an extra ability, UMA and animals. He is also given more governmental power, such as being able to enforce ordinances that demand all citizens and Princesses to only wear bathing costumes.
