Grunt Soldier/Quotes

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Within Alpoko

  • "King Corobo."
  • "Sir, yes sir! Hut hut hut! My name is [name] and I am a Grunt Soldier in the SOS Brigade. I may be only a grunt, but I will give it my all!"
  • "Hut hut hut! The kingdom has no money and soldiers get no vacations."
  • "Hut hut hut! I must train so that I don't pass out from the heat."
  • "Hut hut hut! Are we going to battle, my king?! I am already prepared!"
  • "Hut hut hut! What are you orders, my king? Charge! Charge! Charge!"
  • "Hut hut hut! I will be by your side right away, my king! I will gladly sacrifice the last of my HP for you!"
  • "When do I clean my house? Every morning, I guess. I'm the only one who does that?!"
  • "Hut hut hut. How is Princess [princess] doing? I will arrest any man that makes the princess cry! You're no exception, king!"
  • "Hut hut hut! This area is [area]!"
  • "Hut hut hut! On behalf of the other soldiers, I'd like to offer my opinion on the development of the kingdom. As a Grunt Soldier, I think we should increase military spending and expand the kingdom by force! Global imperialism for the win!"
  • "I fell in the ocean with my armor on the other day. I thought I was gonna die... But I washed up on shore! The world is a mysterious place."
  • "Soldiers do all the wet work. It's a hard job. It's not the killing that bothers me, it's the dying. But if I'm going to die, there is no better way than in the service of my king."
  • "The glory of my kingdom is dependent on the work of us soldiers."
  • "Hut hut hut! I'm looking for a life partner. I train every morning. I train every evening. I'm looking for someone to share my sorrow and joy."
  • "My future?! I want to be a man that can protect my country, my family and my children."
  • "Hut hut hut! Go beyond the borders and you will find dangerous UMA. Please be careful!"
  • "Hut hut hut! There is a rumor of a secret garden beyond the valley of Onii King. I enthusiastically volunteer for any campaign you plan on waging! Hut hut... hut? Did the ground just... move?"
  • "Hut hut hut! We'll punish King [rival king] next! ...we're going to, right? Right?! I wish to volunteer!"