Only 1 Gem Left!

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Only 1 Gem Left!
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Quest for Princess Ferne
Difficulty Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngNoStar.png
Items Final Kingstone Jewel
"Only 1 Kingstone left! I got it from that freak Long Sauvage when he proposed to me. I chucked it over Sobamanjaro with all my strength! It's probably still there."
— Ferne

Only 1 Gem Left! is the quest that finishes Princess Ferne's special quest. This quest is ranked as a 4 start difficulty. This quest is completed by catching Long Sauvage on Sobamanjaro within a certain time frame. Completing the quest allows the player to change the jewel on their scepter by talking to Ferne.