TV Dinnah (New Little King's Story)

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TV Dinnah
TV Dinnah Vita.png
Sex Male
Job Chief of Black National TV Station
Affiliation(s) The Nightmare

TV Dinnah is recharacterised for the alternate continuity told in New Little King's Story, and is very loosely based on TV Dinnah from Little King's Story.


In New Little King's Story, TV Dinnah is real and makes several physical appearances, unlike his counterpart in Little King's Story. His TV station is ruled by The Nightmare. TV Dinnah now requests unsolicited nude footage of his sister Kokomo Pine and plans to use her to "jack up his ratings."

Boss Battle

In the beginning of the battle, The King, his subjects, and TV Dinnah will all be sucked into the Public Broadcast Tower. From there, the battle will carry on like a side-scrolling marathon, where TV Dinnah will move ahead towards the exit while the King and his subjects slowly follow.

In order to defeat him, Corobo must send his subjects towards the Onii that will slowly move to attack. Luckily, the Onii can be easily defeated by one hit from any subject, or from Corobo's sword. When Corobo gets close enough to TV Dinnah, he will summon a giant bomb and attempt to throw it at the king. This can be avoided by attacking TV Dinnah, which will cause Dinnah to accidentally throw the bomb straight up into the air, and blowing himself up, before the chase resumes. Repeating this enough times will finish the battle, but if enough time passes, Dinnah will reach the exit and trigger an instant Game Over.

The player will have to do this fight twice: once to save Kokomo Pine, and once more to retrieve the magical crystal.

The music that plays in this fight is a medley of several of the sections of Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" used in Little King's Story, mainly the Western Channel and International Channel.