Box Theater

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The Box Theater is the makeshift diorama that Corobo plays with in the opening cutscene. Alpoko, the Jolly Kingdom, the Worrywart Kingdom and the Tiptoe Kingdom can clearly been seen in this Theater.


The game begins with the box's curtain opening, and Corobo playing with it, imagining himself as a king. However, the box is attacked by a family of rats, and Corobo chases after them, leaving the box behind.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Near the end of the game, the box makes a appearance once again, but this time in a different way. When King Corobo uses the Flying Machine to find the source of the earthquakes, he discovers that the further he going into the sky, the more strange things get. Eventually he reaches a large galaxy (or a 'Large Distortion in Space', as Skinny Ray believes) where he is greeted by many enemies and a UFO. However after he has avoided the attacks, the galaxy explodes sucking him into a black hole.

The Flying Machine then appears inside a cardboard box and the galaxy is shown to be just some coloring pencil swirls at the side of the box. As the king goes up into the sky he notices the sun, moon and stars are just cut out drawings taped to the top of the box. The Flying Machine then goes through a hole at the top of the World and enters World of God. The Flying Machine then appears outside of the box that is identical to the Box Theater from the introduction cutscene of the game.

After searching around more, King Corobo then discovers that there have been rats on top of the box shaking it, causing earthquakes inside the box. After defeating the rats the earthquakes stop and Corobo is alone. Suddenly, a huge figure that was sleeping awakens and chases King Corobo into a corner. The huge figure looks at him and it is revealed that the large figure is Corobo as he was at the start of the game. The meaning of the ending is left ambiguous.

Hints Towards The Ending

During the game, there were several hints about the world being contained within the Box Theater.

  • During the Punish Jumbo Champloon cutscene, the sky has cracks in it held together with tape, and the sun is suspended by a piece of string.
  • At the top of Sobamanjaro, the telescope reveals the crack in the ceiling of the box, and a giant pair of red eyes.
  • Corobo is seen playing with a puppet version of himself in the introduction.
  • Corobo's house is unable to be located.
  • King Omelet tells Corobo that he may never be able to conquer everything.
  • Skinny Ray reports the stars, planets and moons shaking.
  • New Island was never finished because "God went to the bathroom". Since it is the oldest land in the world, it is likely that God Corobo created it when he was very young, hence its crude appearance.
  • A letter to Corobo via the Suggestion Box mentions that the sky itself has split open.
  • Despite taking place in a fictional world, King TV Dinnah's battle details real life countries and events, like World War II and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Other real-Life places are also mentioned, such as when Martel talks about Daytona.
  • In the Worrying Labyrinth, the whispering boy says that his parents went to famous schools, when only one exists in the whole 'World'.
  • Kampbell sends a letter that people have seen 'Red Lights' in the sky. Kampbell believes that it is God, when in reality it is the rats looking through the hole in the ceiling.
  • Although likely a coincidence, a Nintendo Magazine Preview of the game mentions that the cutscenes were in the style of European Puppet Art.
  • At the begining of the story, Corobo is seen playing with many kingdoms in his Theater that he shouldn't yet know about, indicating that the Corobo at the beginning of the story could not be King Corobo.
  • Princess Shizuka occasionally gets visions of "Gray, Blue, yellow, Red!"
  • Modern tools and devices such airplanes, televisions, cell phones, video games, cars, tanks, and computers, despite potentially clashing with the periodic setting.
  • The rats are the only animals that do not go missing in the Animal quest.
  • Dead citizens sometimes resurrect at the beach. God Corobo may be replacing old figures with new ones.}}

Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.