Worrywart Kingdom

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Worrywart Kingdom
The entrance to the Worrywart Kingdom
Entrance to the Eggan Ruins
Ruler King Omelet
Princess Princess Shizuka
Subjects Eggans
Terrain Hedges
Crop circles
Regions Worrying Labyrinth
Eggan Civilization Ruins
Eggan Civilization Ruins Icon.png
"I tried answering, but the answers are pointless."
— Corobo

The Worrywart Kingdom (悩める国, Nayameru kuni) is the fourth kingdom explored by Corobo, located southeast of the Skull Plains and west of the Kingdom of Alpoko. The Worrywart Kingdom is led by the worrisome King Omelet and populated by the Eggan people who, like their king, spend their time philosophizing over many questions and endlessly worrying.


7 million years prior to the events of Little King's Story, a war occurred between alien factions from different dimensions over the Diamond Egg. One of these alien species were the Eggans. After the final battle, the Eggans settled within the World with the Diamond Egg in hand, and established the prosperous Eggan Civilization. At this time, the life within the World was primitive. The Eggans trapped monkeys inside egg-like capsules and performed experiments on them in an attempt to make them evolve. The monkeys would become humans, which were so fraught with worry that they escaped the Eggans. The Eggan Civilization is therefore the origin of human life within the World, although with time it would turn into ruins. Shizuka Moroboshi was abducted from her high school by the Eggans, and was chosen as a mother to protect the Diamond Egg from the other alien species, along with the help of King Omelet. Omelet himself decided to stay shut away from the rest of the World and remain that way for hundreds of years prior to Corobo's invasion.

Word spread throughout the Kingdom of Alpoko of the existence of the remants of the famous Eggan Civilization, although some rumors stated that the Eggans were 100 million years old. When King Corobo rose to power, Omelet was aware of who Corobo was and the nature of his goal before he even reached Worrywart, likely due to his nature of thinking and knowing so much. He invited Corobo into his Kingdom, as long as the young king invested some time to think about why he was there in the first place. Corobo was forced to navigate the kingdom's maze alone without his Royal Guard, where he learns of "Whispers" about the downfall of a person's life, up until their death. This person is never identified. At the end of the maze, Corobo found a giant egg labelled "WC". As Corobo inspected this egg, the Eggans living in the Kingdom began to emerge, still lost in a cycle of thinking. After some time, some of the Eggans accused Corobo of being a murderer and an invader as a result of his quest to take over the World. Corobo eventually becomes angry and punches the egg, causing it to crack and shatter, revealing another egg underneath like a matryoshka doll. The Eggans noticed this and began to surround Corobo, but his Royal Guard arrived in time to protect the King. This begins a battle against Omelet, who was not present, but his voice still asked questions and guided Corobo through a quiz.

The final question asks who the true menace to the Worrywart Kingdom is: in response, Corobo and his people attacked the egg and cracked open the final layer to reveal Omelet inside on a toilet surrounded by books, shut off from the rest of the world. After interrogating the young king on how he feels about his goal and how great it truly makes him, Omelet gives up the Kingdom and requests that he remains within the egg, on the condition that Corobo comes to terms with the implications of his actions. Omelet, and by extension Corobo, ultimately conclude that no matter how much thinking, some answers are unobtainable and pointless to look for.

Corobo freed and married Shizuka, still carrying the Diamond Egg. Eventually, the egg hatched, and Shizuka gave its remains to Corobo in order to build the Flying Machine, which ironically would be used to fly into space. The creature that hatched produced a new Diamond Egg, which Shizuka then took upon herself to nurture and protect.

The ruins of the Eggan Civilization remained respected for their historical significance, and were transformed into a World Heritage Site under the Kingdom of Alpoko.


Of the seven rival kingdoms, the Worrywart Kingdom is the smallest, only occupying 2% of the entire World. It is accessed via the Skull Plains in the northwest. The Kingdom it situated next to a river in the southwest that passes through the Skull Plains, and over the cliffs to the northeast is the Primetime Kingdom.

The Worrying Labyrinth

When Corobo first arrives at Worrywart, he is met with a reverse-cutout of himself in front of the Worrying Labyrinth, meaning he has to leave his Royal Guard behind and explore the maze alone. Aside from a few stray Cockadoodledo UMA, the area has almost nothing to prevent Corobo's trespassing into the Kingdom, leaving him to become lost in the maze and read the various anxieties of an unnamed person's life.

Past the maze lies the center of the land: a small grove surrounding a large white egg, at the centre of a spiral pattern. During the battle with Omelet, each correct answer that Corobo gives causes another layer of the egg to break apart, spreading more eggshell across the place. The final egg is white with purple stripes.

The Giant Egg after the battle

After King Omelet is defeated by Corobo, this area becomes known as the Eggan Civilization Ruins, and Alpoko becomes inhabited by a single Eggan. Upon returning to the land, many eggs then appear throughout the Kingdom, which can be broken by the Alpokian Eggan. The Maze now warps Corobo from its entrance to its exit and vice versa, making it one of the few areas only able to be explored once. A gate to the east of the kingdom also opens onto Miner's Town, as long as Corobo has defeated the Blue Dragon in the Small Lot. Omelet can still be heard worrying about his anxieties, life and death from within his egg.


The music in the area is a slow cover of Dvorak's "Slavonic Dance No. 2". The theme is played on a low whistle with a synth bass and adds new supporting piano melodies, such as for the intro to the piece.


The Eggan culture is almost entirely defined by pondering the many questions of the nature of life and its meaning, causing the kingdom to have widespread problems with anxiety. The Eggans are very secretive, as they appear to live in hiding, either within the woods that surround the kingdom or within eggs. The Eggans still seem somewhat proud of their former great civilization.

The theming of eggs is representative of the idea of shutting oneself out, a common symptom of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. The kingdom also explores the idea of thinking about thinking, and worrying about worrying, two other symptoms of common anxiety disorders. The chickens could also represent cowardice, since Omelet and the Eggans never intend to confront their problems, and would rather worry about them instead.


During Omelet's Quiz battle, several other UMA appear as answers:



A worrywart is a North American slang term used to describe someone who dwells on their problems.

Names in other languages 

Name Meaning
Japanese 悩める国

Nayameru kuni

Kingdom of the Troubled
French Souciville Anxiety Town
Italian Regno dei tormentati Kingdom of the Tormented
German Reich der Sorgen Realm of Worry
Spanish Reino Dubitativo Doubtful Kingdom


  • Due to its size, the Worrywart Kingdom distinctively lacks features that other kingdoms have.
    • It is the only kingdom not to include a Flying Machine part, although one was planned to appear here during development.
    • It is the only kingdom not to have a Hot Spring.
    • It is the only kingdom not to feature any Construction.
  • The Bird's Nests in the Skull Plains appear to have Cockledoodledo and Concodore UMA that have migrated from the Worrywart Kingdom, since the two are within such close proximity of each other.
  • Ironically, the Worrywart Kingdom is the smallest kingdom, despite the Eggans historically once having the most developed civilization in the World. In this sense, the Eggans could be considered similar to the Romans.
