Table Tennis

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Corobo staring at the table

Table Tennis is a minigame available after unlocking the third and final Castle. It is found in a games room off the corridor under the main stairs.

In this minigame, Corobo must battle various Little King's Story characters in a game of ping-pong. Each time Corobo beats a rank, he gains a reward and unlocks the next rank, of which there are four. Since Corobo is too short to reach, he stands on a beer crate from the Kingdom of the Jolly, as do some of the rivals.

The minigame takes the form of a pseudo-rhythm game where the timing can vary. The player can press A or shake the Wii Remote to have Corobo smack the ball with his scepter at the right time. He must outlast his opponent until they eventually miss the ball themselves to win. The amount of times Corobo must hit the ball to win is slightly random, but will never be lower than about six to seven times. The player may also press C to enter a first person mode.



The first rank pitches Corobo against Skinny Ray, who is slow and stays at a similar rhythm. He hits the ball by slamming his hand onto the table. The reward is a TV to sell for several million Bol.


The second rank pitches Corobo against a Carefree Adult stood on a beer crate, who kicks the ball. He is slightly faster and starts to mix up his timing. The reward is the Bamboo Sword weapon.


The third rank pitches Corobo against Pancho, who hits the ball with his face. He is quite fast, and can slam the ball for faster shots that demand stricter timing. The reward is the Dried Squid weapon.

World Pro

The fourth and final rank pitches Corobo against Howser standing on a beer crate, who punches the ball. His shots are the most demanding timing wise, and vary in speed. The reward is the Legendary Undies armor.


  • This is the only instance in the game that uses a first-person mode or motion control functionality.
  • Under the developer profiles on Little King's Story's prerelease developer blog, Yoshiro Kimura's hobby is listed as "ping-pong".[1] This may have influenced the inclusion of a table tennis game in the final game.

