Peninsula in the shape of a foot

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Peninsula in the shape of a foot
Peninsula In The Shape of a Foot Ingame.png
Location on the map
Part of Skull Plains
Characteristics Foot-Shaped

The peninsula in the shape of a foot is the small region in the furthest northwestern corner of the Skull Plains and, by extension, The World.


The area is a small peninsula with five islands which resemble toes, creating the shape of a foot. It holds a single Art piece, which is incidentally foot-themed in all versions. The biggest toe has a tree growing from it.

The peninsula is accessed by using a Broadcaster to break the TV that blocks the northern coastline of Skull Plains, and then travelling west of Haunted Zone 2. Directly south of the peninsula is the entrance to the Twirling Valley.

During the Last Ingredient! quest, the foot will grow a face with massive lips. Citizens can dig into the mouth of the foot, which acts as a large hole. During digging, the lips will occasionally perform an attack where they breath fire and spout a Crab Onii.




This area is only named in passing by Princess Spumoni during the Last Ingredient! quest, where she hints that the final recipe is at the peninsula in the shape of a foot. Since the quest does not specify its location on the map, instead appearing as a "?", the player must open the map to look for a part that best fits Spumoni's description, which should lead them to this area. While the peninsula does not obviously resemble a foot while standing on it, its shape is much more recognisable when viewed on the map.


  • This region is is the most northwestern point of the World that Corobo can visit. It is at the complete opposite side from the peninsula in the Black Sheep Plateau in the Dark Valley, which is the southeasternmost point of the World. Incidentally, both are adjacent to a Haunted Zone and have the same music.
