Final Boss

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Final Boss
Final boss eyes.png
The Final Boss Appears
Sex Male
Ruler of World of God
Subjects Rats
Captured Princess Corobo's Wife

The Final Boss, canonically known as The Devil, is the ultimate evil that King Corobo faces during the ending to Little King's Story.


The Final Boss is often dubbed by fans as the Gray Rat or the Rat King, and is the leader of a family of four rats. For the Final Boss battle, Corobo must kill the three other Rats before facing the Gray Rat.

The Gray Rat makes its first appearance in the intro, attacking Corobo's Box Theater with its family, before being chased into the forest by Corobo. Later, it is seen scampering around in every iteration of Alpoko Castle and the Castle grounds, leading the three other Rats. Verde often becomes scared of the Rats, and Liam intervenes to ward them off with a high pitched whistle, which distresses the Rats.

It isn't until the finale that Corobo sees the Gray Rat in its deadlier persona. In an inceptive twist, God has His own Box Theater, much like Corobo, and Corobo's World resides inside it. It too is attacked by a family of rats, the leader of which is the Gray Rat, covered in scars and wearing a gnawed Crown, hence the dubbed name of the Rat King. This Rat appears to have a level of intelligence, as it not only taunts Corobo with fear, but commands the other Rats, eats the chosen Princess out of revenge, and eats the only means of communication between Corobo and Alpoko.

When King Corobo first enters the World of God, his Princess will be distracted by a large, gray creature scuttling past while Corobo is communicating with Howser. Shortly after, he finds a pile of the Rat King's excrement, which Skinny Ray decides to name after himself, but cannot settle on a name.

After exploring for a while, with the Princess becoming increasingly frightened by signs of movement and squeaking noises, the Princess will be captured by the previously seen creature. Corobo moves onwards until he hears growling.

The Rat confronts Corobo

The Gray Rat reveals itself as the giant creature, and the King of the Blue, Yellow and Red Rats, which also reveal themselves. The subordinate Rats attack the box and cause another earthquake, which Skinny Ray sees and acknowledges. The supposed Rat King then leaps from the top of box and in front of the comparitively much smaller King Corobo, who freezes in fear and falls over, panicking. The Rat has Corobo cornered and goes for the kill.

Just before Corobo meets his fate, a loud tweeting noise is heard: Liam is whistling over the communications device, which hurts the Rat's ears and freezes it in place. He tells Corobo that, despite their differences, he is still the Anything Minister, and will never let his best friend down. He whistles again, even louder, causing all of the rats to scatter. Howser, Skinny Ray and Kampbell cheer and praise Corobo on, as the little king gets to his feet and readies his sceptre for one final fight.

After the fight has been won, God wakes up from his bed, sees the downed Gray Rat, picks it up and throws it out of a window.

Final Battle

The Four Rats atop the Box Theater

The Final Boss Battle is split into five stages. The gimmick of this fight is that all Rats will have large periods of invulnerability and must be attacked only when vulnerable, which usually occurs after more powerful attacks. When Rats are invulnerable, citizen's weapons will make no sound when hitting the Rat, signifying that they are doing no damage. A darkness surrounds the arena, with the Box Theater on one edge.

Pots containing arrows can be found in the four corners of the arena, and a small Hot Spring can be found in one corner.

First Stage: Blue Rat

Blue Rat Appears.png
Attack Effect Description
Chase None The Blue Rat runs around and swerves but does no damage, Corobo and Citizens will simply be knocked over if hit

If left to charge uninterrupted Rat will grab nearby citizens and drag them into the darkness to instantly kill them

Rat Rocket Charge The Rat launches forwards at high speed leaving a brief blue-light trail
Mirages Charge, Instant-kill The Rat will run away and return with several illusions of itself, the real Rat has fumes emerging from its head, if Corobo attacks the wrong Rat then the real Blue Rat will charge at citizens and drag them into the darkness to instantly kill them (can be avoided by running in circles around the rat until it gives up), attacking the Rat while it is dragging the citizens can cause the Rat to drop the citizens and free them

Attacking the real Rat will leave it at its most vulnerable and therefore is the most efficient way for Corobo to damage it

Second Stage: Yellow Rat

Yellow Rat Appears.png

The Yellow Rat can teleport to avoid attacks

Attack Effect Description
Chase None The Yellow Rat runs around and swerves but does no damage, Corobo and Citizens will simply be knocked over if hit
Fart Spray Area-of-effect, Stun Rat emits yellow flatulence cloud in a circle around itself, does not do damage but stuns citizens, Rat is vulnerable afterwards
Poop Mines Projectile Two variations:
  1. Rat disappears into the darkness, multiple piles of excretion fly from the darkness and land around the arena, returns shortly afterwards
  2. Rat stays in place and launches piles of excretion around the arena, vulnerable afterwards

If the excretion lands on Corobo or a citizen then it will vaporise and do no damage, if Corobo or a citizen makes contact with an excretion pile then it will explode and damage anybody nearby, excretion disappears after a few seconds

Poop Gun Projectile Fires three balls of poop one after another straight at Corobo, medium speed

Third Stage: Red Rat

The Red Rat can create four mirages around itself, to give some of its attacks a larger Area-of-effect.

Red Rat Appears.png
Attack Effect Description
Chase None The Red Rat runs around and swerves but does no damage, Corobo and Citizens will simply be knocked over if hit, occurs more than previous Rats
Rat Rocket Charge The Rat launches forwards at high speed and leaves a brief fire trail
Paw Slam Melee The Rat slams its paws against the ground and causes a burst of fire to emit around it
Body Slam Charge The Rat climbs up the sides of the arena then the Rat falls from above and slams the ground, a light blue flash will indicate where it will land, the Rat is vulnerable afterwards

Fourth Stage: End of the World

The previous three rats will charge towards the Box Theatre to cause another devastating earthquake. Corobo must defeat them before the entire world is destroyed, which will be measured in % on the HUD bar and describe the events of the destruction of The World. All three Rats are mostly vulnerable throughout this phase, and use a few of their previous attacks to defend each other from Corobo and company. If Liam's Salary Statement quest line has been completed, he will whistle in order to stun the Rats and leave them open at intervals.

Art used if Corobo fails this phase of the fight
  • At 10%, New Island will sink.
  • At 20%, Sobamanjaro will explode and spew lava.
  • At 30%, the Public Broadcast Tower will have a UFO crash into it.
  • At 40%, the Eggan Civilization Ruins are flattened.
  • At 50%, Bony Tunnel will collapse.
  • At 60%, the Forest Cafeteria is engulfed in a geyser of magma.
  • At 70%, the Giant Cherry Tree is ripped from the ground.
  • At 80%, Dark Valley collapses.
  • At 90%, Alpoko is hit by shooting stars.
  • At 95%, Farmland is swallowed by a chasm.
  • At 97%, Castle Town is crushed by a falling moon.
  • At 99%, the entire World is destroyed except Alpoko Castle. The HUD displays the text "one last push until the end of the world". If Liam's Salary Statament quest has been completed, then Liam tweets the Rats a final time. A unique camera angle is used, focusing on the Box Theater, until the phase is completed, or...
  • At 100%, the end of the World. Game Over. A unique piece of art of Corobo will display, before the Game Over screen continues as normal. However, nobody will attend Corobo's funeral, as they have all perished in the armageddon. 

Final Stage: Gray Rat

Rat King Appears.png

After witnessing the deaths of its subordinates, the leader of the Rats jumps down from the Box Theater with Corobo's chosen Princess in hand, throws her into the air and eats her whole. The Rat then eats the communications device, cutting Corobo off from communicating with Alpoko, and transmitting the Princess burning alive in the Rat's stomach acid to the people of Alpoko.

The Gray Rat has a combination of new attacks, and attacks shared with the other Rats.

Attack Effect Description
Chase None The Gray Rat runs around and swerves but does no damage, Corobo and Citizens will simply be knocked over if hit, covers more ground than previous rats due to sizeIf left to charge uninterrupted Rat will grab nearby citizens and drag them into the darkness to instantly kill them
Mirages Charge, Instant-kill The Rat will run away and return with several illusions of itself, the real Rat has glowing red eyes, if Corobo attacks the wrong Rat then the real Gray Rat will charge at citizens and drag them into the darkness to instantly kill them (can be avoided by running in circles around the rat until it gives up), attacking the Rat while it is dragging the citizens can cause the Rat to drop the citizens and free themAttacking the real Rat will leave it at its most vulnerable and therefore is the most efficient way for Corobo to damage it, however shortly afterwards the Rat will perform its Claw Swipe attack
Fart Spray Area-of-effect, Stun Rat emits yellow flatulence cloud in a circle around itself, does not do damage but stuns citizens, Rat is vulnerable afterwards
Poop Mines Projectile Two variations:
  1. Rat disappears into the darkness, multiple piles of excretion fly from the darkness and land around the arena, returns shortly afterwards
  2. Rat stays in place and launches piles of excretion around the arena, vulnerable afterwards

If the excretion lands on Corobo or a citizen then it will vaporise and do no damage, if Corobo or a citizen makes contact with an excretion pile then it will explode and damage anybody nearby, excretion disappears after a few seconds

Body Slam Charge The Rat climbs up the sides of the arena then the Rat falls from above and slams the ground, a light blue flash will indicate where it will land, the Rat is vulnerable afterwards
Claw Swipe Melee, Instant-kill Always performed after Mirages attack, Rat swipes claw and citizens hit will fly directly into its mouth and die, they will be seen on the communications device to land on top of the Princess and burn in the acid with her, if too many citizens are caught by the attack then sometimes a citizen will jump out of the Rat's mouth with 1 health and rejoin Corobo, vulnerable afterwards but attacking it will cause it to use the attack again but quicker, always uses a Cadaver attack immediately after a successful Claw Swipe
The following attacks will only be used after citizens are eaten using the Claw Swipe. The more citizens it has eaten, the more projectiles he can shoot at a time.
Cadaver Gun Projectile Spits three body parts one after another across the arena, aims for Corobo and has a deceptively wide range of directions and angles in which it can fire, more likely to be used after citizens are eaten
Cadaver Rapid-Fire Projectile Spits three body parts in rapid succession at the ground near him, more likely to be used if Corobo is closer to the Rat
Cadaver Spread-Fire Projectile Spits three body parts in a fan shape across the arena: one flying straight forwards, one at a left angle, and one at a right angle
Cadaver Wave Fire Projectile Spits two body parts that wind between each other in a double helix-like pattern

Effective Jobs

Weapons that do a lot of damage are more useful than highly defensive Armor, as the main threats to citizens in this fight are the insta-kill attacks, and the player must make the most out of punishing the windows of vulnerability as much as possible by optimizing high damage output.

Soldier The aim of this battle is to deal as much damage as possible when the Rats are vulnerable, so combat-oriented jobs like Soldiers, the Steel Knight or the Mountie will be the most useful.

The Eggan and Broadcaster also have high attack outputs. However, due to their lack of cling-on, they will begin attacking quicker, which may be a more efficient way to scout out windows of vulnerability.

Animal Hunter Not only can the Animal Hunter deal a lot of damage without getting too close, the arrows will make a noise when the Rats are vulnerable upon hitting them, but will not if the Rats are invulnerable. This means the Hunter can be used to scout out windows of vulnerability.
Hardworking Farmer There is a Hot Spring in the far corner. At least two Farmers (or an additional Craftian) are recommended in case one falls out of the Flying Machine during the journey.


The music that plays during the final battle is an eerie remix of the first section of Mussorgsky's "A Night on Bald Mountain", featuring off-key piano chords, a ghostly choir, and segments that use different string instruments as opposed to the more consistent orchestration typically used in the original. The intro cutscene to this fight is comprised of different sections of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.


Although the boss is frequently referred to as the Rat King by fans, this name is never used in Little King's Story. However, an unused event in the game's files has Howser tell Corobo he has unlocked the ability to "take on the Rat King". In both the King Story Official Guidebook and Little King's Story: The Official Strategy Guide, the boss is referred to as the "King of Rats".


God holding the Gray Rat
  • When God picks up the Gray Rat after the battle, it reverts to its appearance from the opening to the game
  • The Gray Rat has the most attacks of any enemy, UMA, or Boss in Little King's Story, with a total of 9 attacks, discounting the Chase. The second highest number of attacks is Jumbo Champloon's 7, although this is only the case if all of Champloon's forms' attacks are accumulated.
  • The body parts that the Gray Rat spits can sometimes be skulls, which will be wearing the hats of the dead citizens that they belonged to.
  • If the player allows the World to end in stage four and then chooses not to continue, a special funeral occurs where Corobo's friends are absent since they're all dead. Only the small rats remain, who run around the funeral. Despite how obscure this detail is, this is the only unique Life Over screen in the game.
  • A popular fan theory suggests that the Rats could represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Blue is Conquest, since it creates copies of itself. Yellow is Famine, since it spreads faeces. Red is War, since it is the most aggressive. Gray is Death, as not only commands the others but also eats people whole and spits out their corpses to attack.
  • A Rat King also appears in some retellings of the Nutcracker, which also has an ending similar to Little King's Story. Coincidentally, some music from the Nutcracker suite is used in Little King's Story, such as Omelet's battle theme, Kampbell's introductory theme, the Watchtower, the introduction of the first and third Castles, and the jingle when citizens get married or an animal is saved.
  • A "rat king" can also refer to a group of rats' tails becoming painfully entangled with each other, keeping the rats tied together.
  • The design of the Gray Rat's artwork may be inspired by White Weasel, the main villain of the anime Gamba.
  • The Gray Rat's existence is hinted towards several times.
    • If Corobo looks through a telescope atop Sobamanjaro, he can see the crack in the ceiling of the universe. Occasionally, a red eye can be seen peering through this crack. An unused event shows Corobo reacting in fear to this phenomena.
    • One letter Corobo can receive talks of a "Red Light" coming from the sky.
    • Shizuka sometimes has visions of the final battle, seeing flashes of Red, Yellow, Blue and Gray, before having a headache and screaming. (Main Article: Princess Shizuka/Quotes)
  • The rats do not disappear during the Animal Book quest, likely due to their plot significance. However, an Animal Book portrait for the Gray Rat does exist in the game's data.
  • In the King Story Official Guidebook, several pieces of artwork display five rats instead of four. This may be a simple counting error, or may perhaps suggest that there were five rats at one point in development.


Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.