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Weapons are one of the Treasure items that can be found.

Effect Name Effect
Power UP Double damage to enemies and obstacles
Ups Attack! Triple damage to enemies and obstacles

Double damage and higher rate of attack for bows

Multihit Unknown
Might stun enemy Chance per hit of regular UMA becoming unable to move or attack
Weapon Effect Found Image
Bamboo Sword Power UP Win two games of table tennis
Bamboo Sword
Battleaxe Power UP Buy from Traveling Merchant
Bin Bow Power UP In a trash can in Soldier Town
Bin Bow
Clothesline Power UP Obtained from talking to Savvy Merchant citizens
Cupid's Bow Might stun enemy Soup Church after first marriage
Cupid's Bow
Dried Squid Power UP Defeat Pancho at table tennis
Dried Squid
Drumstick Power UP Skull Plains near Boney Tunnel
Legendary Axe Ups Attack! Defeat the bear at Forest Field Day
Legendary Axe
Legendary Bow Ups Attack! Dropped by the Onii Bride
Legendary Bow
Legendary Mallet Ups Attack! Skull Plains, north of Jump Cannon
Legendary Mallet
Legendary Spear Ups Attack! Dropped by the Marble Dragon
Legendary Spear
Legendary Staff Ups Attack! Dropped by the Giant Zoeter
Legendary Staff
Legendary Sword Ups Attack! Obtained from talking to Savvy Merchant citizens
Magical Girl Wand Might stun enemy Appears in Magical Land
Magical Girl Wand
Parasol Might stun enemy Dark Valley peninsula
Pillow Might stun enemy Complete N1c3 K1ngd0m
Plastic Hammer Might stun enemy Defeat the rabbit at Forest Field Day
Plastic Hammer
Rabbit Sword Might stun enemy Defeat the brown pig at Forest Field Day
Rabbit Sword
Robin's Bow Power UP In a treasure chest held by an Onii between the Skull Plains and Sobamanjaro
Robin's Bow
Rolled Newspaper Power UP In a trash can by the Shopping Arcade
Rolled Newspaper
Skull Staff Power UP Behind the Soup Church at night
Skull Staff
Toy Axe None Obtained from talking to Savvy Merchant citizens
Toy Axe
Toy Bow None Bring Ginger five Art Pieces
Toy Bow
Toy Mallet For looks only! In a trash can in Soldier Town
Toy Mallet
Toy Spear For looks only! Bring Ginger five Art Pieces
Toy Spear
Toy Staff For looks only! Former Onii Grounds after defeating the Onii Man
Toy Staff
Toy Sword For looks only! Bring Ginger five Art Pieces
Toy Sword
Triangular Ruler Power UP New Island, behind building blocks in the northern Island
Triangular Ruler
Wood Sword Power UP Buy Special: Weapons Research from the traveling merchant
Wood Sword
Wooden Mallet Power UP Under a Cockadoodledo on Sunflower Plains near the Melon Patch
Wooden Mallet
