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Corobo sitting on the first iteration of the throne

The Throne is a feature of Alpoko Castle and a central gameplay mechanic within the world of Little King's Story. The throne gives King Corobo a variety of commands at his disposal which he can use for his own benefit or to influence the Kingdom of Alpoko. Corobo returns to the throne after every exploration to trade in materials for money, save, purchase upgrades, view tutorials, and more.

When Corobo sits on the throne, assuming he has nothing to trade in and nobody is waiting to see him, a thought bubble will display above Corobo's head, giving him the options of summoning Howser, Verde, Liam, or leaving the throne. After summoning one of these ministers, a second menu will come up for each, giving Corobo various commands to select.

The throne in the first Castle is little more than a wooden chair. The second throne is a more fitting throne for a king, with a more polished wood, and a red padded seat. The third and final throne is a large, golden chair with blue padding, a wooden back, a golden mantle and green curtains. It also has some graffiti scrawled on its back.

Corobo can cancel festivals by sitting on the throne.

Trading for Bol

Whenever Corobo sits on the throne, he will trade in any spoils in his Inventory for Bol. Each item's full identity will be revealed and then will be valued accordingly. For example, "Good Cloth" may be revealed to be either Corduroy, worth 70,000, or Tapestry, worth 160,000. Weapons and Armor are not valued, instead being marked as "Treasure", indicating that they have been sorted into the Treasure Room. Towards the end of the process, the amount of citizen deaths since Corobo last sat on the throne is totalled and death benefits are paid. Death benefits cost nothing at the very start of the game, -10,000 per citizen when 0 kings are defeated, -50,000 per citizen when 1-2 kings are defeated, and -100,000 per citizen when 3 or more kings are defeated. This trading process can take a while if the Inventory is particularly full, but it can be shortened by rapidly pressing the A button.

The amount of Bol for the entire Inventory is then totalled minus the death benefits, then this number is added to the National Budget. This can end in a trade where the final number is negative if Corobo has not collected as much treasure as he has killed citizens, although the National Budget can never decrease below 0.


As the Advisor, Howser's commands aid Corobo in building up the Kingdom of Alpoko and taking over the World.

Suggestion Box

This command becomes available after the Town Square has been purchased, which is available after the second day.

This command allows Corobo to check any mail sent through the Suggestion Box in Castle Town. Mail is sorted into new letters, accepted quests, previously read letters, and previously completed quests. Mail can come in the form of fan letters, hate mail, letters from friends of Corobo's, hints towards secrets in the world, culture reports of other kingdoms to prepare Corobo for what lies within them and plan accordingly, and quests. Quests can be either set quests, such as Guardian rumors, or Generated, and will be ranked out of 5 stars for difficulty. Corobo is able to accept up to 5 pending quests, or give up on ones he has already accepted, through this command.

Sometimes when Howser approaches the throne upon being summoned, he will tell Corobo how many new letters there are to avoid having to check the box. Howser will also tell Corobo this if Corobo talks to him in the Castle.

To save space, the completed quests tab will automatically remove records of older Generated Quests as newer completed quests come in.

Kingdom Plan

This command allows Corobo to spend the National Budget to better the kingdom or improve his abilities in some form. The Kingdom Plan effectively acts as a shop, split into 12 separate tabs: Special, Power Up, and one for each of the districts of Alpoko. The Special tab has listed items such as useful objects that will be placed in the Castle or around the kingdom that will help Corobo in some way, or new equipment for the Treasure Room. The Power Up tab has upgrades to Corobo's Royal Guard, such as an increase in Guard Badges, a Life increase for all citizens, and new Formations. The tabs for each district allow Corobo to purchase housing, buildings and structures for those areas, which will appear in a set location, giving Alpoko a larger population or extra job opportunities.


As Records minister, Verde's commands record and share information related to Corobo's reign as king.


This command allows Corobo to save his progress. Little King's Story has five save files to choose from, and when Corobo dies or quits the game, he will return to his last save. Each save file displays the name that the player has assigned Corobo, the amount of Bol in the National Budget, the population of Alpoko, the last difficulty that the file was played on (Easy, Normal, Hard, or Tyrant if this option was chosen upon starting the file), and the amount of time played in hours. A symbol in the shape of a flame with the words "HOT" will signify which was the last file to be saved. After saving, the game will give the option to quit to the title screen.

Rather strangely, Verde will hover over the last file that was saved, not loaded, (the "HOT" file) meaning it is easy to accidentally overwrite another file if a player is simply pressing A rapidly to get through the save screen. This has been a common complaint among Little King's Story players.

Kingdom Info

This command brings up a screen that shows information related to the population of the Kingdom of Alpoko and their current statuses. At the top is the current National Budget. To the left is the current population number and a line graph that displays the population incline and decline over the last 20 days. Below it is the popularity of the king, reporting the number of citizens that feel Love, Meh, or Hate towards him. On the right is a bar chart that displays how many citizens belong to each job. This is divided as follows.

Video Archive

This command becomes available after the Video Archive has been purchased, which is available after the Primetime Kingdom is conquered.

This command allows Corobo to access the Video Archive, a collection of every animated cutscene in the game (barring the final few) with a title, description, and a comment before and afterwards from Verde. After unlocking this feature, Corobo also gets his own copy of the Video Archive that goes into his Inventory under the Key Items tab.


As the Anything Minister, Liam's commands help prepare and organise Corobo for his adventures. Before the defeat of the Guardian Cow Bones, Liam has a temporary Classroom in Castle Town next to the Alpoko River, allowing Corobo to speak to him to quickly access his first two commands.


Referred to as "Game Rules!" in the Castle Town classroom. This command allows Corobo to listen to Liam explain various game mechanics, with blackboard illustrations to aid the explanation. Unseen gameplay tutorials will be marked in yellow with an icon saying "New".

Job Info

Referred to as "Jobs!" in the Castle Town classroom. This command allows Corobo to listen to Liam explain how different jobs function, with blackboard illustrations to aid the explanation. Unseen job tutorials will be marked in yellow with an icon saying "New". Every job has its own explanation, except for the four Immigrant Jobs.

Liam famously spreads some misinformation regarding some of the jobs.

Treasure Room

This command becomes available after Corobo collects his first piece of equipment.

This command allows Corobo to access the Treasure Room, where Corobo can assign weapons and armor that he has collected to citizens. Each item displays its name, icon, ability, and whether it is currently equipped to a citizen or not. In the top right is a count of how many pieces of equipment have been found out of the total number of equipment in existence, which is 58. However, the Treasure Room command is superannuated by the modified Podium, which allows Corobo to access equipment without calling upon Liam.

Visitors and Events

Occasionally when Corobo sits on the throne and finishes trading, Howser will inform him that someone wishes to see him, which Corobo can either accept or postpone. These can range from characters that wish to share their thoughts with Corobo to Merchants and representatives of various groups adding new items to the Kingdom Plan, such as Francoise Hanataro. There are two events that will be triggered whether Corobo has something to trade or not and that he cannot decline: meeting with Ginger Kyde on the bridge and meeting the Typhoony Bunch.

The number of times Corobo performs a Bol trading process can influence the possibility of meeting visitors on the throne. For example, three Bol trades after the defeat of the Onii King will cause a Merchant to approach the throne and add the Jump Cannon to the Kingdom Plan.
