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Life 80
Location Worrywart Kingdom
UMA Book Description Deadly if you don't have a cook with you.

The Cockadoodledo (ソラケッコー, Sorakekkō) is one of two chicken-themed UMA, often associated with the Worrywart Kingdom. They are considered to be one of the strongest common enemies in Little King's Story, to the point of having a Job Class dedicated purely to killing them and their relatives the Concodores, in the form of the Gourmet Cook.

A pack of Cockadoodledo can be found at the Bird's Nests Wonder Spot Location in Skull Plains.


Attack Effect Description
Peck Melee Hits in front, extremely quick
Feather bullets Projectile Shoots several rapid-fire feathers, fairly quick
Chicken run Charge Used when further away



Rather obviously, this UMA's name is an onomatopoeia of the sound a rooster makes at dawn.

Names in other languages

Name Meaning
Japanese ソラケッコー


French Coq Rooster
Italian Gallo Rooster
German Kampfhahn Fighting-rooster
Spanish Pajarraco Big Ugly Bird

The Japanese name appears to be mixing the words 空 sora meaning "sky" and the Japanese onomatopoeia for the noise a rooster makes, コケコッコー kokekokko, but the reason why is not clear.

The German name is derived from the words Kampf meaning "fight" Hahn, meaning "rooster". This could refer to the sport of cockfighting, or Hahnenkampf in German, where chicken fight each other.

The Spanish version uses a colloquial term that is often used as an insult to describe a rascal.


  • The Cockadoodledo's feather attack appears to be inspired by the Stymphalian Birds of Greek mythology.
  • An early trailer refers to this enemy as a "Cockadoodle", suggesting a name change during development. King Omelet occasionally refers to this enemy as such during his battle, and sometimes a Cockacockadoodle. See Omelet/Quotes.
